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How To Check If ALL Objects Of Specific Class Share Another Class As Well?

I want to check if all objects of classA share also classB. However, with the following code, it throws true if at least one object has the classB: $('.classA').hasClass('classB')

Solution 1:

I'd use an array, and use Array.prototype.every:

const everyAHasB = [...document.querySelectorAll('.classA')]
  .every(a => a.classList.contains('classB'));

There's no need to require a big library like jQuery for something this simple.

Solution 2:

Try this:

let hasClass = true;
  hasClass = hasClass && $(this).hasClass("classB")

Solution 3:

You could do something like:

var c = $(".classA").filter(function() {
  return !$(this).hasClass("ClassB");

This will return those elements that don't have ClassB

If you want to get all the Elements that has both classes, just remove the ! from !$(this)


var c = $(".classA").filter(function() {
  return !$(this).hasClass("ClassB");

<script src=""></script>
<div class="classA ClassB"></div>
<div class="classA ClassB"></div>
<div class="classA ClassB"></div>
<div class="classA"></div>
<div class="classA ClassB"></div>

Solution 4:

Just iterate over all elements and check for each of them:

let all=true;
$(".classA").each((el) => {
    if(!el.hasClass("classB")) all=false;


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