Does PHP Support Conjunction And Disjunction Natively?
Solution 1:
PHP supports short-circuit evaluation, a little different from JavaScript's conjunction. We often see the example (even if it isn't good practice) of using short-circuit evaluation to test the result of a MySQL query in PHP:
// mysql_query() returns false, so the OR condition (die()) is executed.
$result = mysql_query("some faulty query") || die("Error");
Note that short-circuit evaluation works when in PHP when there is an expression to be evaluated on either side of the boolean operator, which would produce a return value. It then executes the right side only if the left side is false. This is different from JavaScript:
Simply doing:
$a || $b
would return a boolean value TRUE
if either is truthy or both are falsy. It would NOT return the value of $b
if $a
was falsy:
$a = FALSE;
$b = "I'm b";
echo $a || $b;
// Prints "1", not "I'm b"
So to answer the question, PHP will do a boolean comparison of the two values and return the result. It will not return the first truthy value of the two.
More idiomatically in PHP (if there is such a thing as idiomatic PHP) would be to use a ternary operation:
$c = $a ? $a : $b;
// PHP 5.3 and later supports
$c = $a ?: $b;
echo $a ?: $b;
// "I'm b"
Update for PHP 7
PHP 7 introduces the ??
null coalescing operator which can act as a closer approximation to conjunction. It's especially helpful because it doesn't require you to check isset()
on the left operand's array keys.
$a = null;
$b = 123;
$c = $a ?? $b;
// $c is 123;
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