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Play Html5 Video And Pause At Specific Points In Time

I have an array of points in time (seconds) like this : var points = [1,5,7,9,23,37]; I want the video to play from 1 to 5 and then pause. Then some event happens (like button cl

Solution 1:

Just queue up the times (currentStopTime) and check the currentTime of the video. If currentTime >= currentStopTime then pause video, set currentStopTime to next time in the array.

var points = [1,5,7,9,23,37],
    index = 1,
    currentStopTime = points[index];

// start video using: video.currentTime = points[0], then

// run this from a timeupdate event or per frame using requestAnimationFrame
function checkTime() {
    if (video.currentTime >= currentStopTime) {
        if (points.length > ++index) {       // increase index and get next time
            currentStopTime = points[index]
        else {                               // or loop/next...
            // done

Then when paused, enable an action to happen, simply call play() to start video again. If you need an accurate restart time then force that time by adding:

    if (video.currentTime >= currentStopTime) {
        video.currentTime = currentStopTime;

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