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Jasmine - Two Spies For The Same Method

I'm new to Jasmine and I wanted to know if we can create 2 spies for the same method. Here is what I'm trying. describe('something', function () { beforeEach(function () {

Solution 1:

instead of

describe('Here is the action!', function () {
        mySpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('mySpy', 'functionInInterest');
        mySpy.functionInInterest.andCallFake(function (cb) {cb(somethingElse);});
        //Some test cases that depends on somethingElse

do this

describe('Here is the action!', function () {
        mySpy_2 = jasmine.createSpyObj('mySpy', 'functionInInterest');
        mySpy_2.functionInInterest.andCallFake(function (cb) {cb(somethingElse);});
        //Some test cases that depends on somethingElse

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