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Jqplot - How Do Get Array Back From Already Created Graph

I plotted a graph with jqplot and included the dragable functionality. The whole point is a user can modify the graph based on what they want. $.jqplot.config.enablePlugins = true

Solution 1:

You'll find the updated data in the chart series[serieIndex].data property:


    $.jqplot.config.enablePlugins = true;

    var data = [['23-May-08', 1],['24-May-08', 4],['25-May-08', 2],['26-May-08', 6]];

    var chart = $.jqplot('chart', [data], {
        title : 'My Graph',
        seriesDefaults: {
            fill: true
        axes : {
            xaxis : {
                label: 'My X axis',
                renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer

            yaxis : {
                label: 'My Y axis'
        highlighter: {
            sizeAdjust: 10

    var log = function(seriesIndex, pointIndex, pixelposition, data) {



    .bind('jqplotSeriesPointChange', log)
    .bind('jqplotDragStop', log);


Btw, there are several events you'll fine useful.

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