Struts2 Parameter To Javascript
Solution 1:
"/path/to" will change depending on the web server. To avoid this use the struts2 url tag.
For an action called "action" in namespace "/" with a parameter called parameter1 having the value omradeId, you would simply say:
<s:url namespace="/" action="action">
<param name="parameter1" value="%{omradeId}"/>
putting the above into the JS variable we have:
var url = "<s:url action="action"><param name="parameter1" value="%{omradeId}"/></s:url>";
Using the above will mean your application can be installed on different application servers without change.
Having formated xml is nicer than inline, if using a lot of parameters adding the var parameter to the s:url tag to give it a name and then you can reference this string in a number of places with the s:property tag would keep things clean.
<s:url namespace="/" action="action" var="myString">
<param name="parameter1" value="%{omradeId}"/>
var url = "<s:property value="#myString"/>";
Solution 2:
This should work:
<script type="text/javascript">
var url = "/path/to/action?parameter1=<s:property value="omradeId">";
If not you should check if the value is not null and value is successfully set in your action class.
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