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Javascript Trying To Remove All Things With Certain Tags

I'm trying to use javascript to remove everyhting with button or input tags from a page... So far my code removes some of them and I dont know why. It only removes one checkbox out

Solution 1:

var checkboxes = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var j = 0; j < buttons.length ; j++) // You use the wrong variable here

Should be;

for (var j = 0; j < checkboxes.length ; j++) 

Regarding to the undeleted button, maybe it's because it's an input type="button" and not a <button>?

Note that document.getElementsByTagName("input"); will get and delete later all the inputs, not just the checkboxes!

May I suggest you using a javascript library like jQuery? you could have done this will one line of code with no problems:

$('input[type="button"], input[type="checkbox"], button').remove();

Solution 2:

document.getElementsByTagName returns a liveNodeList. That means, when you remove the first element, a) the length decreases and b) the (first) item of the list is shifted.

There are two possibilities to work around that:

  • always remove the last element. The NodeList is in document order, so that will work:

    for (var i=buttons.length-1; i>=0; i--) // var i=buttons.length; while(i--)
  • always remove the first element, and don't run an index until the length:

    while (buttons.length) // > 0

It also would work with jQuery and co, because they copy the NodeList items in a static array. You can do that yourself as well:

var staticButtons =;
for (var i=0; i<staticButtons.length; i++)

or you use a document selection method that returns a static NodeList right away, like querySelector:

var staticList = document.querySelectorAll("button, input");

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