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Jquery - Count Words In Textarea

Well, I have a Javascript function that returns the number of words that I write into a textarea, but for some reasons, I wanted to write it using Jquery. And, although I tried, I

Solution 1:

A working solution :

        alert($.trim($('[name="texto"]').val()).split(' ').filter(function(v){return v!==''}).length);

The filter(function(v){return v!==''}) part removes empty strings.

Solution 2:

The simplest solution that cross my mind follows:

  return tx?tx.replace(/ +/g," ").replace(/\w+| $|^ /g,"").length+1:0;
//jQuery plugin
$.fn.countWords = function(){
 returncountWords(this.val()) ;

Example HTML:



$tester = $("#tester");

Edit Finally I changed concept to count only words in proper meaning (no special chars etc.). The code follows:

  return tx.replace(/\w+/g,"x").replace(/[^x]+/g,"").length;

IMO it's much better.,js,output

Solution 3:

Get the value of the textarea, and split it on the space character which will give you an array. Then return the length of that array.

Updated for empty string

<scripttype="text/javascript">functioncontar() {
        var value = $.trim($('[name="texto"]').val()),
            count = value == '' ? 0 : value.split(' ').length;


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