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Basic Input/output Help For Online Calculator I Am Developing

Beginner coder here. I am currently developing a website for calculating various equations, but I need help with user input. On the HTML, I currently wrote up the following code.

Solution 1:

This is what you're after I suspect :)


<section><!--- Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin  --><table><tr><td>&#176C</td><td>&#176F</td><td>&#176K</td></tr><tr><td><inputtype="number"id="celsius"/></td><tdid="fahr1"></td><tdid="kelv1"></td></tr><tr><tdid="celc2">-</td><td><inputtype="number"id="fahrenheit" /></td><tdid="kelv2">-</td></tr></table></section>


//Hook into an event where if an input of type number changes
$('input[type=number]').change(function() {

//If the name of the input that has changed is celsiusif($(this).attr('id') == 'celsius'){

     //Call a function to get the current value using $(this).val()//Update the text inside the relevant td's by calling a function

//If the name of the input that has changed is fahrenheitelseif($(this).attr('id') == 'fahrenheit'){

    //Call a function to get the current value using $(this).val()//Update the text inside the relevant td's by calling a function

functioncelsiusToFahrenheit(c) {
    var f = parseInt(c);
    f = f * (9/5) + 32;
    return f;

functioncelsiusToKelvin(c) {
    var k = parseInt(c);
    k = k + 273.15;
    return k;

functionfahrenheitToCelsius(f) {
     var c = parseInt(f);
     c = (c - 32) * (5/9);
    return c;

functionfahrenheitToKelvin(f) {
    var k = parseInt(f);
   k = (k + 459.67) * (5/9);
   return k;

Please note! You should put this in a <script></script> section in the top of your HTML. An example can be seen here: W3 Schools Script example

Similarly don't forget to reference JQuery in your <head></head> section. An example can be seen here: W3 Schools Reference JQuery

See it working live here:

EDIT As per request, here is the Javascript equivalent


<section><!--- Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin  --><table><tr><td>&#176C</td><td>&#176F</td><td>&#176K</td></tr><tr><td><inputtype="number"id="celsius"/></td><tdid="fahr1"></td><tdid="kelv1"></td></tr><tr><tdid="celc2">-</td><td><inputtype="number"id="fahrenheit" /></td><tdid="kelv2">-</td></tr></table></section>


const celsius = document.getElementById('celsius');
const fahrenheit = document.getElementById('fahrenheit');

celsius.addEventListener('change', (event) => {

fahrenheit.addEventListener('change', (event) => {

functionconvertFromCelsius() {
    var fahr1 = document.getElementById("fahr1");
    var kelv1 = document.getElementById("kelv1");
    fahr1.textContent = parseInt(celsius.value) * (9/5) + 32;
    kelv1.textContent = parseInt(celsius.value) + 273.15;

functionconvertFromFahrenheit() {
    var celc2 = document.getElementById("celc2");
    var kelv2 = document.getElementById("kelv2");
    celc2.textContent = (parseInt(fahrenheit.value) - 32) * (5/9);
    kelv2.textContent = (parseInt(fahrenheit.value) +  459.67) * (5/9);

See it working live here:

Please mark this as accepted if this solves your issue.

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