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How To Disable Autoload In Jqgrid?

How to disable autoload in jqGrid and load data manually when I need it? Thanks.

Solution 1:

If you set datatype to 'local' the data from the server will be not loaded. To force the loading of data you can change datatype to 'json' or 'xml' with respect of setGridParam method (see and and then call trigger("reloadGrid") method.

See jqGrid is not loading data which has also the information what you asked.

Solution 2:

Just don't set the default URL in the table. And install it just when you need to load data (for example by pressing a button) and then .trigger("reloadGrid").

Example for you:

            //Simply comment out the URL//url             :"salepointsprovider.php", datatype:"json",
            colModel      :[
                {name:'SalePointId', index:'SalePointId'},
                {name:'Name', index:'Name'}

 $('#ShowRecordsButton').click(function () {
            {url:"salepointprovider.php?SalePointId=" + argSalePointId, page:1});

Solution 3:

My grid without url send requests to server:


Set datatype: "local" solve problem. Reload grid by

`function reloadGrid(gridId, gridData){
    $(gridId).jqGrid('clearGridData');  // need for nonempty grig (see
    $(gridId).jqGrid('setGridParam', {data: gridData}).trigger('reloadGrid');

No need to change datatype (at least for my json case it is recognized)

Solution 4:

In treegrid you couldn't use datatype = 'local'. So instead 'local', I set datatype = 'jsonstring', define empty fake data and jsonReader. jsonReader should be defined correctly according to your retrieved data. Thanks for Oleg's answer. And, when I need to load data, I simply change datatype to 'json'.

var fakeData ={
    rows: []
datatype: 'jsonstring',
datastr: fakeData,
jsonReader: {
    repeatitems: false,
    root: function (obj) { return obj.rows; },
    page: function (obj) { return1; },
    total: function (obj) { return1; },
    records: function (obj) { return obj.length; }

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