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Price Variations

So how would one in JavaScript or with the added help of jQuery be able to get price variations. For example the first item is a set base at $450 and every item after that is a add

Solution 1:

Okay, so if I understand you correctly, you want to apply a discount to the given price in a clean manner, depending on the number of items. I'd first start by applying the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle to your code, and putting variables in local scope:

//var dropResult = $("input[name=drop]:checked").val();//this line doesn't actually do anything, so I removed it. It will always return true, as you're using the :checked pseudo-selector to only select checked checkboxes.

$(function (){

functiondropCalculate(dropPrice) {
    var dropAmount = $(".itemadd", "#items").length,
        dropTotal = dropAmount * dropPrice;

    if (dropResult != 1) {
        dropTotal = dropTotal / 2;

    $("#dropPrice").html("Price Total: $" + dropTotal.toFixed(2));

Which is a lot cleaner. Then, if you have more complex discount rules, or multiple rules for multiple products, you can use an object for that. Here is a simple example of that:

$(function (){
      var pricesObj = {
          'default': 75,


functiondropCalculate(priceObj) {
    var dropAmount = $(".itemadd", "#items").length;

    if (priceObj[dropAmount]) {
        dropTotal = priceObj[dropAmount] * dropAmount;
        dropTotal = priceObj['default'] * dropAmount;

    $("#dropPrice").html("Price Total: $" + dropTotal.toFixed(2));

If you need any help understanding that, just ask!

Update: I misunderstood your use case, but this should still point you in the right direction. In my code, if there is 1 product, the price is 450, 2 is 225, and more is 75 each.

Solution 2:

a quick change you could make, it's something like that:

dropTotal = dropAmount * dropPrice; 

$("#dropPrice").html("Price Total: $" + dropResult == 1 ? dropTotal.toFixed(2)) : (dropTotal / 2).toFixed(2));

Solution 3:

check this fiddle

 $('#dropPrice').text( '$' + (450 + ((450 * ($('#items .itemadd').length - 1)) / 3)) / (Number($("input[name=drop]").is(':checked')) + 1));

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