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How To Declare Member Variable As Extended Type In Typescript?

Is there a way to define a 'member variable' as an 'extension object' instead of a static type (without using an interface)? Simply something like this pseudocode: class Foo {

Solution 1:

Intersection Types

interface IRectangle {
    getArea: () =>number;

classFoo {
    bar: IRectangle & { [key: string]: any; };

    constructor(barInstance:IRectangle){ = barInstance;; //<-- is code completed because interface IRectangle// no type = function() {

Solution 2:

Consider a constrained generic type parameter.

interfaceBase {
  prop: number;

interfaceChildextendsBase {
  thing: string;

classFoo<T extendsBase> {
  bar: T

var foo = newFoo<Child>();; // now permitted by the type checker

Solution 3:

I'm not completely sure that I understand you, but if so then something like this:

interface IRectangle {
    getArea(): void;

classRectangleimplements IRectangle {
    getArea(): void {}
    someCustomFunction(): void {}

classFoo<T extends IRectangle> {
    bar: T;

    constructor(barInstance: T){ = barInstance;;

        // no type errorif (this.barinstanceofRectangle) {
            (this.barasanyasRectangle).someCustomFunction = function() {}

(code in playground)

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