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Jquery/javascript - Get Image Size Before Load

I have a list of images that is rendered as thumbnails after upload. The issue that I have is I need the dimensions of the fully uploaded images, so that I can run a resize functio

Solution 1:

There's a newer js method called naturalHeight or naturalWidth that will return the information you're looking for. Unfortunately it wont work in older IE versions. Here's a function I created a few months back that may work for you. I added a bit of your code below it for an example:

function getNatural($mainImage) {
    var mainImage = $mainImage[0],
        d = {};

    if (mainImage.naturalWidth === undefined) {
        var i = new Image();
        i.src = mainImage.src;
        d.oWidth = i.width;
        d.oHeight = i.height;
    } else {
        d.oWidth = mainImage.naturalWidth;
        d.oHeight = mainImage.naturalHeight;
    return d;

var img = $("#703504");
var naturalDimension = getNatural(img);
alert(naturalDimension.oWidth, naturalDimension.oHeight)​

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