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Marklogic 8 - Stream Large Result Set To A File - Javascript - Node.js Client Api

Let's say I have a query that is going to return a very large response. Possibly thousands of records and possibly gigabytes of data. Normally in the UI, we just show a single page

Solution 1:

If you want the document descriptors, you can open an object stream as in the following example:

If you only want the content of the documents, you can use a chunked stream as shown in the following example (the same approach can be used for a query):

The general approach would be as follows:

  • open the destination file as a write stream

  • query for the first page of documents, piping the read stream for the documents to the write stream for the file, taking care to set the end option to false:

  • loop on reading documents, incrementing the start page by the page length until finished reading

  • call end() on the write stream to close the file

Hoping that helps

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