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Backbone Remove Row By Id

I'm trying to remove a row in a table with Backbone. I'm using Rails 4 and the backbone-on-rails gem for this project. I'm using a addEntryevent to add row in my Movies table. This

Solution 1:

So apparently @collection.remove doesn't put out a HTTP request. Changing this to @collection.get(thisid).destroy() does the trick. But you will still need to create a destroy method in your Rails controller,

The removeEntry event in the Backbone view index,

removeEntry: (e) -> 
  thisid = @$(e.currentTarget).closest('div').data('id')

The destroy method in the Rails controller,

  movie = Movie.find_by_id(params[:id])

  respond_to do|format|
    format.json {render :json => {:msg => "item deleted!"},:status => 200}

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