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How To Use Cloneinto In A Firefox Web Extension?

I am trying to write a web extension where I need to pass an object from the content script to the page script. I have looked at, among others,

Solution 1:

I found an alternative solution. I didn't solve the question of how to use cloneInto but I am able to pass objects to my page script now, by using sendMessage and creating an onMessage listener.

Content script:

  browser.runtime.sendMessage({theBlobs: myBlobObjects});

Page script:

browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
  var blobs = request.theBlobs;
  for (var i = blobs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    // do clever things with the blobs

An advantage of this approach is that it doesn't use Firefox-specific functions.

Solution 2:

I avoid using cloneInto() and exportFunction(), when possible

The functions cloneInto() and exportFunction() are Firefox-only. One of the significant advantages of WebExtensions is the ability to write extensions which work in multiple browsers. Thus, I prefer to avoid using those functions, where possible.

What I would do instead, is use a utility function I wrote, executeInPage(), to copy the Object, Array, function, RegExp, Date, and/or other primitives (Boolean, null, undefined, Number, String, but not Symbol) into the page. Another simple function inPageAssignToWindowProperty() can assign the value passed to a variable in the global scope.

This is a somewhat more limited than cloneInto(), as executeInPage() does not, currently, support: Blob, File, FileList, ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferView, ImageData, Map, and Set. These are not currently supported, as I have not had a need to pass them into the page context.

var messenger = {
    notify: function(message) {
            content: "Object method call: " + message

functioninPageAssignToWindowProperty(property, value) {
    window[property] = value;

executeInPage(inPageAssignToWindowProperty, false, '', 'messenger', messenger);

console.log('window.messenger:', window.messenger);
<script>/* executeInPage takes a function defined in this context, converts it to a string
 *  and inserts it into the page context inside a <script>. It is placed in an IIFE and
 *  passed all of the additional parameters passed to executeInPage.
 *  Parameters:
 *    func          The function which you desire to execute in the page. 
 *    leaveInPage   If this does not evaluate to a truthy value, then the <script> is
 *                    immediately removed from the page after insertion. Immediately
 *                    removing the script can normally be done. In some corner cases,
 *                    it's desirable for the script to remain in the page. However,
 *                    even for asynchronous functionality it's usually not necessary, as
 *                    the context containing the code will be kept with any references
 *                    (e.g. the reference to a callback function).
 *    id            If this is a non-blank string, it is used as the ID for the <script>
 *    All additional parameters   are passed to the function executing in the page.
 *                    This is done by converting them to JavaScript code-text and back.
 *                    All such parameters must be Object, Array, functions, RegExp,
 *                    Date, and/or other primitives (Boolean, null, undefined, Number,
 *                    String, but not Symbol). Circular references are not supported.
 *                    If you need to communicate DOM elements, you will need to
 *                    pass selectors, or other descriptors of them (e.g. temporarily
 *                    assign them a unique class), or otherwise communicate them to the
 *                    script (e.g. you could dispatch a custom event once the script is
 *                    inserted into the page context).
 */functionexecuteInPage(functionToRunInPage, leaveInPage, id) {
    //Execute a function in the page context.// Any additional arguments passed to this function are passed into the page to the// functionToRunInPage.// Such arguments must be JSON-ifiable (also Date, Function, and RegExp) (prototypes// are not copied).// Using () => doesn't set arguments, so can't use it to define this function.// This has to be done without jQuery, as jQuery creates the script// within this context, not the page context, which results in// permission denied to run the function.functionconvertToText(args) {
        //This uses the fact that the arguments are converted to text which is//  interpreted within a <script>. That means we can create other types of//  objects by recreating their normal JavaScript representation.//  It's actually easier to do this without JSON.strigify() for the whole//  Object/Array.var asText = '';
        var level = 0;
        functionlineSeparator(adj, isntLast) {
            level += adj - ((typeof isntLast === 'undefined' || isntLast) ? 0 : 1);
            asText += (isntLast ? ',' : '') +'\n'+ (newArray(level * 2 + 1)).join('');
        functionrecurseObject(obj) {
            if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
                asText += '[';
                obj.forEach(function(value, index, array) {
                    lineSeparator(0, index !== array.length - 1);
                asText += ']';
            } elseif (obj === null) {
                asText +='null';
            } elseif (obj === void(0)) {
                asText +='void(0)';
            //Special cases for Number
            } elseif (Number.isNaN(obj)) {
                asText +='Number.NaN';
            } elseif (obj === 1/0) {
                asText +='1/0';
            } elseif (obj === 1/-0) {
                asText +='1/-0';
            } elseif (obj instanceofRegExp || typeof obj === 'function') {
                asText +=  obj.toString();
            } elseif (obj instanceofDate) {
                asText += 'new Date("' + obj.toJSON() + '")';
            } elseif (typeof obj === 'object') {
                asText += '{';
                Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(prop, index, array) {
                    asText += JSON.stringify(prop) + ': ';
                    lineSeparator(0, index !== array.length - 1);
                asText += '}';
            } elseif (['boolean', 'number', 'string'].indexOf(typeof obj) > -1) {
                asText += JSON.stringify(obj);
            } else {
                console.log('Didn\'t handle: typeof obj:', typeof obj, '::  obj:', obj);
        return asText;
    var newScript = document.createElement('script');
    if(typeof id === 'string' && id) { = id;
    var args = [];
    //using .slice(), or other Array methods, on arguments prevents optimizationfor(var index=3;index<arguments.length;index++){
    newScript.textContent = '(' + functionToRunInPage.toString() + ').apply(null,'
                            + convertToText(args) + ");";
    (document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(newScript);
    if(!leaveInPage) {
        //Synchronous scripts are executed immediately and can be immediately removed.//Scripts with asynchronous functionality of any type must remain in the page//  until complete.document.head.removeChild(newScript);
    return newScript;

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