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How To Continue Running Execution After Form Submit?

I am writing a simple form submit function for a specific site. The script fills the specific form on the current page and submits the form. It MUST also fill the second form which

Solution 1:

The basic rule is that a classical form submission halts all execution of scripts of the page, and loads the next page. No way to do anything about that.

You may have to switch to sending your form's contents using Ajax. That will leave the current page alive, and allow you to do as many submits as you want to.

A very easy way to achieve this is the jQuery form plugin. It takes much of the manual hassle out of the process.

Solution 2:

Can you call FillSecondForm() function on body load of second form, once first form submitted.

Solution 3:

You could POST the first form with AJAX, and then submit the second form after receving the response for the first form.

Something like this perhaps:

functionFillFirstForm() {

    var post_data = 'name='+escape(answerarray[1]);
    post_data += '&address='+escape(answerarray[2]);
    post_data += '&phone='+escape(answerarray[3]);
    post_data += '&username='+escape(answerarray[4]);

    // TODO: make this cross browser :)var req = newXMLHttpRequest();

    req.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if ( req.readyState == 4 ) { // The request has finishedif ( req.status == 200 ) {
            else {
                // Deal with errors here

    req.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded");'POST', '/submit_url', true);

W3 schools has a tutorial on AJAX here:, and there are many more on the web.

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