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Caroufredsel Add Class To Active Slide

I'm trying to add a class of 'active' to the current slide in carouFredSel, and I can't get it to work. The closest I could get it to work was to add it on the first slide, using t

Solution 1:

So far, I used this function ( it doesn't work on page load though and it seems to be a lot of code for that simple task) Maybe someone has an idea how to simplify this and also make it work on page load

function highlight( items ) {
function unhighlight( items ) {

scroll : {
onBefore: function( data ) {
  unhighlight( data.items.old );
onAfter : function( data ) {
  highlight( data.items.visible );

Here's an update that should work fine on page load and scroll: Here are more details about the trigger event.

var$highlight = function() { 
    var$this = $("#foo");

    var items = $this.triggerHandler("currentVisible");     //get all visible items$this.children().removeClass("active");                 // remove all .active classes
    items.filter(":eq(1)").addClass("active");              // add .active class to n-th item


    scroll : {
        onAfter : $highlight
    onCreate    : $highlight


Solution 2:

scroll : { onAfter : $highlight }

solved my issue

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