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Google Script - Get Data From Gmail Into Sheet

I have been looking around here on SO and on Google, but I cannot find anything that is working. So when I am running my code below, I am getting the result on the image. I wan

Solution 1:

So I managed to solve it, by finding the max index in the array. I have commented the code, so it can help others. Thanks, all.

function myFunction() {
  // Use sheetvarss= SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  // Gmail queryvarquery="label:support -label:trash -label:support-done -from:me";
  // Search in Gmail, bind to arrayvarthreads=;
  // Loop through query resultsfor (vari=0; i < threads.length; i++)
    // Get messages in thread, add to arrayvarmessages= threads[i].getMessages();

    // Used to find max index in arrayvarmax= messages[0];

    // Loop through array to find maxIndexD = most recent mailfor (varj=0; j < messages.length; j++) {
      if (messages[j] > max) {
        maxIndex = j;
        max = messages[j];
    // Find datavarmId= messages[maxIndex].getId() // ID used to create mail linkvarfrom= messages[maxIndex].getFrom();
    varcc= messages[maxIndex].getCc();
    vartime= threads[i].getLastMessageDate()
    varsub= messages[maxIndex].getSubject();
    // Write data to sheet
    ss.appendRow([from, cc, time, sub, ''+mId])

Solution 2:

What do you mean by recent?

How about adding newer_than:3d to the search? You can test the search in your own Gmail account and when it's doing what you want then just paste it into the query.

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