How To Add Or Remove A Classname On Event In Reactjs?
Calling this.setState
will trigger a rerender of the component.
Solution 2:
You could use just a Vanilla JS (
and classList
handleClick = event =>'click-state');
render() {
return<divclassName="base-state"onClick={this.handleClick}>Click here</div>;
BUT don't do that!
React should handle changes in the DOM, so rely on modifying CSS classes via React.
Solution 3:
You could set click state in the click handler function and use it to set the class name conditionally using a template literal.
If you're using a function component, you can do it this way using the useState
const [clicked, setClicked] = useState(false);
<divclassName={ `base-state ${clicked && 'click-state'}` } onClick={ () => setClicked(true) }>click here</div>
Solution 4:
Every above solution is about setting className='click-state'
on click but not removing class if already exist on double click. If someone is using a functional component, this behaviour can be achieved by using useState
hook and some conditional statement.
const [clicked, setClicked] = useState('');
consthandleClick = () => {
clicked ? setClicked('') : setClicked('base-state click-state');
<divclassName={clicked || 'base-state' } onClick={handleClick}>click here</div>
Solution 5:
Well to do this you can use Vanilla javascript but that might not be standard practice in react.
So what you can do is here:
let className = 'base-state';
if (this.props.isActive) {
className += ' click-state';
to make it easier you can use an npm package called classnames
You can visit Npm package through this link. for more references, you can visit the official React-docs
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