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Ruby On Rails: Leaflet-rails Not Loading

Using RoR 4.1.4 I am trying to use the leaflet-rails gem. I followed the steps outlined in the github page, but when I try to load the map, I see ReferenceError: L is not defined

Solution 1:

Turns out this is maybe some RoR specific issue.

Many sites recommend to put the

<%= javascript_include_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track' => true %>

line which loads the javascripts, at the END of a file, in order to speed up page display. With the leaflet-rails gem, this isn't great, and will generate the problem described above. If putting the same line in the <head> section, the problem goes away...

P.S. I still have problems with the gem though, now I get

Error:Novalueprovidedforvariable {s}

If I substitute "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png" with "{z}/{x}/{y}.png" it works...don't think it's meant to work that way though...but that's a different issue...

Solution 2:

I faced the same issue in rails.

  • leaflet works in development mode (bower managed)
  • Can't find variable L in production mode

The following steps did not help.

  • asset "leaflet" (Bowerfile)
  • //= require leaflet/dist/leaflet.js (application.js)
  • *= require leaflet/dist/leaflet.css (application.css)
  • Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += ['leaflet/dist/leaflet.js', 'leaflet/dist/leaflet.css']
  • assets precompiled and uploaded to production public/assets/...

Am I still missing something?


This issue can be resolved by using CDN assets recommended by leaflet at

  • <link href="" />
  • <script src=""></script>

However, I would prefer to use local cached precompiled assets bundled at my app-server instead of relying on a public CDN, network bandwidths, and a lot more external things.

Solution 3:

Don't know if you were able to solve your issue. For me, I had forgotten to run:

rake assets:precompile

before deploying to production.

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