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Using Or In Ternary Operator

I have a simple ternary operator, where I want to return null with two different strings. this.props.sportType === 'tennis' || 'soccer' ? null :
  • Solution 1:

    Repeat the comparison with the second value

    this.props.sportType === 'tennis' || this.props.sportType === 'soccer'
        ? ...

    Solution 2:

    Use an array and see whether sportType is included in it:

    ['tennis', 'soccer'].includes(this.props.sportType)
    ? null
    : <lionClick={this.props.onClick}className={styles.menuItem}>Sport</li>

    (also, preferably indent longer expressions)

    Solution 3:

    As in a IF statement, you need to compare the "soccer" string to

    this.props.sportType === 'tennis' || this.props.sportType === 'soccer' ? null : <lionClick={this.props.onClick}className={styles.menuItem}>N/A</li>

    Solution 4:

    You can use Regex

    /^tennis|soccer$/.test(this.props.sportType) ? null : <lionClick={this.props.onClick}className={styles.menuItem}>N/A</li>
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