Es6 Structuring Assignment?
Solution 1:
The closest I've come up with is to use Object.assign
and a temporary object (live copy):
let a = "a", b = "b"; // The variables
let obj = {c: "c"}; // The existing object
Object.assign(obj, {a, b}); //"Structuring" assignment, sort of
console.log(JSON.stringify(obj)); //"{"c":"c","a":"a","b":"b"}
It's fairly simple, but it's a function call and a temporary object.
Update:Bergi points out in a comment that there's a strawman proposal(link now dead) for a :=
operator that will do this, and one of their first use cases is indeed the use case that primarily lead me to this question: Constructors:
// From strawman proposal linked above, doesn't actually exist yet!classPoint {
constructor(x,y) {
this := {x,y} //define and initialize x and y properties of new object// ^^
So given that strawman exists, I suspect for now the assign
is going to be the best I can do in ES6. The old wiki with the strawman is offline, and there's nothing about :=
in the proposals repo.
Solution 2:
Some experimental stuff, building on top of your answer.
If you wanted to get a little cheeky you could emulate the assignment portion of it with a setter. Definitely not practical, but it's a fun way to see what the behaviour might look like on the outside, if maybe you could empty assign o[] =
. (Babel)
let a = '1', b = '2';
let o = {z: '26'};
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, '', {
set: function (o) {
Object.assign(this, o);
}, configurable: true
o[''] = {a, b};
Same issues you face with your answer, actually more, but some food for thought.
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