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Force Download Of .mp3 Or .zip Files On Ajax Success

After a user fills out an email verification form (which is submitted via AJAX), I want to force a download to start in the current browser window if the AJAX call response is succ

Solution 1:

create an iframe for each url to download and set the iframe's source to files url :)

    urls = ['url_1.mp3', 'url_2.mp3', /* ... , */ 'url_N.mp3'],

    doLoad = function(url){
        $("<iframe />")
            .css("display", "none")
            .bind("load", function(e){
                this.src == url && $(this).remove();
            .attr("src", url)

for( var i=0; i < urls.length; i++ ) {
    doLoad( urls[i] );

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