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Use Of Globalstorage Is Deprecated. Please Use Localstorage Instead

I got this message when doing some javascript programming, and after some google searches, I have no idea what it means, or how i cause this error. I'm including the code below, c

Solution 1:

This is a deprecation error in Firefox 9. globalstorage was a way to store data in Firefox, but HTML5 introduced localstorage, which is now the preferred way (using window.localStorage). has more information.

Solution 2:

Probably not related to the issue above but I will put it here for the search engines.

I got the same error message while doing some simple jQuery:

Useof globalStorage is deprecated. Please use localStorage instead.

$(document).ready(function() {

It was however due to forgetting to actually include the link href to the jQuery.js file...!

Solution 3:

I got the same error message and found a solution and perhaps the underlying cause of conflict, I was using the jQuery validate function in the library along with jQuery 1.7.1

The problem: I used $(document).ready with two different contexts. One with the noConflict wrapper and one without. By keeping both the same, the error message went away. Hooray!

The wrapper:

jQuery(function($) {
$(function() {

  $(document).ready(function() { ...}


See also this post on my blog.

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