Change Inputlabel Color Of A Select Component When Clicked/focused
If you look at the components here:, you'll see that when clicked, the label moves up and minimizes but also changes color (along with
Solution 1:
You can achieve this with the following (assuming Material-UI v4 or later):
inputLabel: {
color: "lightgray",
"&.Mui-focused": {
color: "orange"
Here's the relevant documentation:
Prior to version 4 you would need something like:
// This is similar to Brad Ball's answer, but this nested syntax ensures proper specificity for the focused CSS.
inputLabel: {
color: "lightgray",
"&$inputFocused": {
color: "orange"
inputFocused: {}
// then in the JSX:
classes={{ focused: classes.inputFocused }}
Solution 2:
Here is the syntax for using focused:
const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
root: {
display: "flex",
flexWrap: "wrap"
formControl: {
margin: theme.spacing(1),
minWidth: 120
inputLabel: {
color: "lightgray"
inputFocused: {
color: "orange"// does not work
select: {
color: "white",
"&:before": {
// changes the bottom textbox border when not focusedborderColor: "red"
"&:after": {
// changes the bottom textbox border when clicked/focused. thought it would be the same with input labelborderColor: "green"
<FormControlclassName={classes.formControl}><InputLabelclassName={classes.inputLabel}classes={{focused:classes.inputFocused }}
Number of Lists
</InputLabel><SelectclassName={}value={values.age}onChange={handleChange}inputProps={{name: "age",
id: "age-simple"
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