How To Use A Variable Inside A String
I can take value of a span with this code: document.getElementById('aaa:j_idt89:0:asd').innerHTML but I want to use variable like i=1, for example like this: i=1 document.getElem
Solution 1:
Use this code
document.getElementById("aaa:j_idt89:"+ i +":asd").innerHTML
Note the change I made inside. "+ i +"
. You actually needed a String Concatenation.
So explaining the code.
when i = 1
"aaa:j_idt89:"+ i +":asd"
= "aaa:j_idt89:"+ 1 +":asd"
= "aaa:j_idt89:1:asd"
= thats what you need
Solution 2:
This should work for you:
var i = 1;
var element = document.getElementById("aaa:j_idt89:" + i + ":asd").innerHTML
you need to build your string up and to use your variable you need to concatenate it to your string like above " + i + "
and it will work.
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