Showing Less Then 1% On The Bootstrap Progress Bar
Solution 1:
If you don't care if how much less than 1% it is, how about using Math.max()
to just start at one percent and then start making meaningful progress after that.
Demo in Stack Snippets
var $traveled = $("#traveledMiles"),
$total = $("#totalMiles"),
$progressBar = $('.progress-bar');
var percent = $traveled.val() / $total.val() * 100;
// at least 1%
percent = Math.max(percent,1);
.css('width', percent+'%')
.attr('aria-valuenow', percent)
<linkhref="//" /><scriptsrc="//"></script><scriptsrc="//"></script><divclass="form-group"><labelfor="traveledMiles">Traveled Miles</label><inputtype="text"class="form-control"id="traveledMiles"placeholder="Enter Traveled Miles"value="5"></div><divclass="form-group"><labelfor="totalMiles">Total Miles</label><inputtype="text"class="form-control"id="totalMiles"placeholder="Enter Total Miles"value="23872"></div><divclass="progress"><divclass="progress-bar"role="progressbar"style="width: 60%;"aria-valuenow="60"aria-valuemin="0"aria-valuemax="100"><spanclass="sr-only">60%</span></div></div>
Since you have a label, you could even follow Bootstrap's suggestion:
To ensure that the label text remains legible even for low percentages, consider adding a min-width to the progress bar.
Like this:
<divclass="progress-bar"style="min-width: 2em;">
var $traveled = $("#traveledMiles"),
$total = $("#totalMiles"),
$progressBar = $('.progress-bar');
var percent = $traveled.val() / $total.val() * 100;
// at least 1%
percent = Math.max(percent,1);
// round off decimals
percent = Math.round(percent);
// max of 100%
percent = Math.min(percent,100);
.css('width', percent+'%')
.attr('aria-valuenow', percent)
<linkhref="//" /><scriptsrc="//"></script><scriptsrc="//"></script><divclass="form-group"><labelfor="traveledMiles">Traveled Miles</label><inputtype="text"class="form-control"id="traveledMiles"placeholder="Enter Traveled Miles"value="5"></div><divclass="form-group"><labelfor="totalMiles">Total Miles</label><inputtype="text"class="form-control"id="totalMiles"placeholder="Enter Total Miles"value="23872"></div><divclass="progress"><divclass="progress-bar"role="progressbar"style="min-width: 2em;width: 60%;"aria-valuenow="60"aria-valuemin="0"aria-valuemax="100">
Solution 2:
I think the best approach would be to use a variable called something like "realProgress" to keep track of the decimal value of your progress bar. Since a bootstrap progress bar only works with integers you can update it's value like so (in Javascript):
realProgress = 0.0; realProgress += some percentage of progress made;
$("#my-progress-bar").css("width", math.Floor(realProgress) + "%");
This way, the progress bar's value still get updated in a way that is meaningful to the user.
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