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Showing posts from January, 2023

Removing A Specfic Mapped Route In Node.js At Runtime Removes Static Mapping?

Basing my function off of the answer to this question, I wrote this function to delete a route on a… Read more Removing A Specfic Mapped Route In Node.js At Runtime Removes Static Mapping?

AngularJS & D3 : Angular Directive For D3 Load Multiple Times

I wrote an angular directive for d3 forced-directed graph. Code is here. I use $log.log('xx'… Read more AngularJS & D3 : Angular Directive For D3 Load Multiple Times

JavaScript SpeechSynthesis.speak() Without User Activation Is No Longer Allowed Since M71

I used speechSynthesis API in this way: speechSynthesis.speak(new SpeechSynthesisUtterance('hel… Read more JavaScript SpeechSynthesis.speak() Without User Activation Is No Longer Allowed Since M71

Passing Variable From Javascript To Flash

I have a flash music player that I would like to accept a parameter via a button click on a website… Read more Passing Variable From Javascript To Flash

How To Display The Corresponding Values In The Text Box Depending On Drop Down List On Selecting Radio Button In Javascript?

I am creating a form which ask to select degree using radio buttons. Depending on radio button sele… Read more How To Display The Corresponding Values In The Text Box Depending On Drop Down List On Selecting Radio Button In Javascript?

How To Display The Corresponding Values In The Text Box Depending On Drop Down List On Selecting Radio Button In Javascript?

I am creating a form which ask to select degree using radio buttons. Depending on radio button sele… Read more How To Display The Corresponding Values In The Text Box Depending On Drop Down List On Selecting Radio Button In Javascript?

Displaying Data From Database Not Working Properly In PHP/javascript

I have a survey form displaying questions, answertype and number of options from my question table.… Read more Displaying Data From Database Not Working Properly In PHP/javascript

Jqplot - How Do Get Array Back From Already Created Graph

I plotted a graph with jqplot and included the dragable functionality. The whole point is a user ca… Read more Jqplot - How Do Get Array Back From Already Created Graph

How To Use Javascript's AddEventListener() To Override An HTML Form's Default Submit() Behavior

How can I use addEventListener() to assign a handler to an HTML form's Submit button, similar t… Read more How To Use Javascript's AddEventListener() To Override An HTML Form's Default Submit() Behavior

How To Use Javascript's AddEventListener() To Override An HTML Form's Default Submit() Behavior

How can I use addEventListener() to assign a handler to an HTML form's Submit button, similar t… Read more How To Use Javascript's AddEventListener() To Override An HTML Form's Default Submit() Behavior

How To Add More Than One Selector In Javascript

How can i add more the one variable in JavaScript : var selector = 'a[href$=png]:has(img)';… Read more How To Add More Than One Selector In Javascript

How Do I Write This Shorter With JQuery?

Can someone help me. I want to write this code better and shorter. So how do I write this jQuery co… Read more How Do I Write This Shorter With JQuery?

JQuery Clone() Copies Data...sometimes...?

Using the sample below, I have a tr that I am duplicating. It contains a jQuery autocomplete. The f… Read more JQuery Clone() Copies Data...sometimes...?

How To Check If Element Is Already Loaded Via AJAX?

I want to check if element is already loaded. HTML load JS $(document).on('click','bu… Read more How To Check If Element Is Already Loaded Via AJAX?

Can Smooth Scroll To A Component Cause Other Components To Blur In Jquery/css?

I'm using the solution proposed here jQuery scrollTo - Center Div in Window Vertically and it w… Read more Can Smooth Scroll To A Component Cause Other Components To Blur In Jquery/css?

Jasmine - Two Spies For The Same Method

I'm new to Jasmine and I wanted to know if we can create 2 spies for the same method. Here is w… Read more Jasmine - Two Spies For The Same Method

GET Request Returning Same Info From A Randomized Endpoint

I'm accessing the QuotesOnDesign randomized endpoint:… Read more GET Request Returning Same Info From A Randomized Endpoint

MVC Form Validation Without Form Submission

I have a standard form populated by an MVC model with standard [Required] validation. I want to … Read more MVC Form Validation Without Form Submission

Convert English Numbers To Persian/Arabic Only For A Specified Div

I know this question has been replied many times here, but I still haven't got an exact answer.… Read more Convert English Numbers To Persian/Arabic Only For A Specified Div

Nested Form Array In Angular

I am making angular application with reactive form, where i have made a nested form array which wil… Read more Nested Form Array In Angular

Instantiating A Javascript Object And Populating Its Properties In A Single Line

Is there a way I can do all of this in a constructor? obj = new Object(); = 'A'… Read more Instantiating A Javascript Object And Populating Its Properties In A Single Line

Why Is My Array Of Promises Running Before Calling Promise.all()?

I am trying to create an array of Promises, then resolve them with Promise.all(). I am using got, w… Read more Why Is My Array Of Promises Running Before Calling Promise.all()?